What Type of Ceiling is the Best for Finished Basements? Ceiling Tiles Are a Good Choice.

When we talk to homeowners about finishing the basement or remodeling the basement, one of the very first questions that they have is "Do I have to have an ugly drop-ceiling with ugly popcorn tiles in my basement?". The good news is that basement ceiling styles and materials have come a long way since the days of dingy popcorn or pitted office tiles.

Deciding what type of ceiling to install in your basement may not be an exciting or fun design endeavor but, it is one of the most important choices you will make.  The type of ceiling you put up in your basement will affect your entire home in terms of style, design, functionality, value and purpose.

We want you to be entirely satisfied and love your basement so at Rescon Basement Solutions, we offer and install three (3) types of ceilings, the drop or suspended ceiling (ceiling tiles), painted and exposed ceilings and also, the drywall ceiling. Every style of ceiling has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.  While each type may function and perform well in the rest of the home, the durability of the materials will differ when installed in a basement space.

We recommend that suspended/drop ceiling tiles be used when installing a RBS Basement Finishing System. There are many important advantages that a suspended basement ceiling offers. A few advantages to the suspended ceiling are:

Today’s drop ceiling tiles are a long way from the dreaded old-school speckled style to more intricate, beautiful geometric designs and variety in colors. You can even install recessed lighting in today’s modern drop ceilings. Be sure to ask your Rescon basement finishing consultant about ceiling tiles!

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